A School for the Mind and Body will be open.  S.O.S. is available.


GSRP will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Due to Lake Orion Community Schools closing for the frigid windchill predictions.





Parent Testimonials

“We truly appreciate all that you have done for Leighton. He has grown and learned so much in your program. We are so grateful as we see the progress in his writing, peaking in confidence, not to mention we believe he has matured emotionally from your teachings. I love your concept, teaching format, it has done wonders for our son. This should be taught in all schools because these are real life skills every child should learn.”
Todd & Tammy – Oxford, MI
“Over the weekend I wanted to take Theresa (my 3 year old daughter) to the local ice cream shop. Much to my surprise her response was: “not today daddy – I’m eating healthy”.
Wayne - Lake Orion, MI

“So...I just wanted to thank you for the work you are doing with the kids on social etiquette and manners.

Monday night I made tacos for dinner. Unprovoked, Owen says, "Mom, thank you so much for making these for me. These are the best tacos ever!".

Tonight, we were on our way to Owen's swim lessons and he ran ahead of me to open the door. He said, "Mrs. Dutton said that you should open doors and pull out chairs for girls."

Wow! What an unexpected, pleasant surprise. Thank you.”

Leslie – Oxford, MI
“My older daughter who is in 2nd grade was doing her homework over the weekend and didn’t know what “conscience” was. My 4 year old son proceeded to detail to her the importance of “right and wrong!” SFMB has an awesome approach to the learning environment with your character education for preschoolers!”
Jill – Oxford, MI
“At A School for the Mind and Body, we are truly impressed with both the academic segment as well as the importance placed on developing well-rounded, healthy preschoolers… we couldn’t find a better fit for our family. It’s important to our family to make healthy choices when it comes to eating and exercising… At SFMB, our boys who are in the 3 year old program and the 4 year old program are both learning how to make those good choices which reinforces healthy habits and confident children at a young age. SFMB has really developed a program that grows the total child into a conscientious and physically strong young adult.”
Kristi – Lake Orion, MI
“Today my son and I were talking about who Martin Luther King was. Without hesitation he exclaimed: “I know who he is . . . at Mind and Body that’s my teacher, Mrs. Hanna’s friend and he had a dream!!”
Char – Lake Orion, MI
“Thank you so much for accommodating Cross today! My “big second grader” woke up this morning and asked if he could go in and be your helper all morning. I hope he really was a helper! I know he is for me so hopefully he was for you too. It really was a positive experience for him and I think it really helps reinforce the need to help others! Thanks for going along with this! Have a great weekend!”
Teresa – Metamora, MI