Young 5's & Kindergarten

  • Young Fives:

Class will meet Monday – Friday mornings 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. This class will be filled first with children that are eligible for Kindergarten, but need an extra year of growth before entering that program

    • Registration fee: $100 (non-refundable)
    • Tuition: $525 per month (paid on the 1st of each month with the first payment due August 1, 2025)
  • Kindergarten:

A School for the Mind and Body’s Kindergarten curriculum is based on the standards set up by the State of Michigan to ensure that your child will receive the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare him/her for a successful transition to first grade. In addition, we offer a unique emphasis on the physical, moral, character, health, and social skills that will enable your child to make positive life choices.

Content in the various subject areas is incorporated into our unique weekly concepts. For example, if our weekly concept is cooperation, we would read, write, and illustrate stories about cooperation. We might do a cooperative art project, play cooperative games, and discuss why cooperation is important in our community. By connecting the various learning components to our concepts, learning is made more meaningful for the children.

Essentially our curriculum stems from The State of Michigan Curriculum standards. If you would like more detailed information about the Michigan Content Standards in the different subject areas, go to and click on “K-12 Curriculum” in the blue rectangle on the left side. While meeting all of these goals, we also offer your child a distinctive perspective on their learning by following the standards and goals set by A School for the Mind and Body. By combining the two curriculums, we are confident that your child will have an exceptional learning experience that is not available to them anywhere else.

    • Class will meet Monday – Friday mornings 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
    • Registration Fee: $100 (non-refundable)
    • Tuition: $560 per month (paid on the 1st of each month with the first payment due August 1, 2025)