A School for the Mind and Body will be open.  S.O.S. is available.


GSRP will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Due to Lake Orion Community Schools closing for the frigid windchill predictions.





Transition Toddlers

We have drawn from the vast amount of research on toddler development to create a stimulating, yet caring and nurturing, environment for toddlers to reach their developmental milestones.  Caregivers will talk, sing, and interact with your child to encourage and foster their growth in all areas of development.  Lead teaching staff will hold a degree in Early Childhood with specific training in toddler development.  In addition, all teaching staff will maintain crediting hours qualifying meeting State of Michigan required experience/qualifications.  Our goal is to strive and maintain a consistent, safe environment for your child to grow and develop.  In addition, SFMB-OT staff will provide a sensory motor group for your child two days a week.  You will receive written documentation each session our OT visits.

We look forward to knowing your family better as we offer a warm and caring place for your child to learn, grow, and mature.

  • Transition Toddlers is available 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. (There is no “drop off” scheduling available)
  • Registration Fee: $100 (non-refundable)
  • Tuition:
    • Please see Mrs. Canine