A School for the Mind and Body will be open.  S.O.S. is available.


GSRP will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Due to Lake Orion Community Schools closing for the frigid windchill predictions.





Changing Children's Futures

As a franchise owner of A School for the Mind and Body school, you’ll have the chance to impact children forever in positive ways! Research indicates children from all socioeconomic backgrounds reap real, long-term benefts from high- quality preschools, including achieving higher scores on standardized tests, gaining higher educational attainment and being less likely to need special education classes.1

Studies show benefits to the community too—lower rates of teen pregnancy, a decrease in crime and delinquency, and better jobs as adults.2

Beyond academics, A School for the Mind and Body also recognizes the critical need to help our children eat well and stay healthy. Recent government studies, as well as countless news stories, articles, and books, all point to the alarming and growing trend in childhood obesity. A serious health concern, data from recent surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the prevalence of overweight children is increasing — even for those as young as age 2-5 years, where overweight levels have grown from 7% to nearly 14%!3

A School for the Mind and Body places just as much emphasis on nutrition and exercise as it does on other areas of learning, with the goal to educate children on the importance of taking care of their bodies now and in the future.

Changing Your Future

Early childhood education is an exciting business opportunity, meeting an immense need in today’s society! Participation in preschool education has grown steadily over past decades and is increasingly seen as a middle income essential.4

In fact, in most educated families, preschool education participation rates at age 4 are almost as high as kindergarten participation rates. 5 In recent years, nearly 70% of 4-year-olds and over 40% of 3-year-olds were enrolled in a preschool education program. 6

This translates to a total of nearly four million 3- and 4-year-olds who are enrolled in school, according to the U.S. Census Bureau — and the numbers continue to grow!

Our concept appeals to all good parents who value education, whether they are part of families where both parents both work outside the home, single parents, or even stay-at-home parents who choose our program to enhance their children’s character education.

For franchised school owners, our wide range of programs offers multiple potential revenue streams. And with hundreds of families enrolled in our Michigan school and a high family retention rate, we generate a constant fow of word-of- mouth references. With our model, your local school has these tools and systems in place, too, and it’s all designed to help your school thrive!

Plus, as the owner of a franchise with A School for the Mind and Body, you can enjoy a meaningful, fullfilling career. You’ll also be able to own your business while balancing it with your personal life. The SFMB curriculum is based on a school-year calendar, meaning you may follow traditional school hours and break schedules, which can allow you to spend quality time with your own family.

1. Nieer.org. (National Institute for Early Education Research) “Report Finds Benefts to Quality Preschool Programs,” Sept, 10, 2008/ “Preschool Education & Its Lasting Effects,” W. Steven Barnett, Rutgers University.

2. Preknow.org. Fact Sheets, “The Benefts of High Quality Pre-K.”

3. CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, “National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Prevalence of Overweight Among Children and Adolescents: United States, 2003- 2004,” April 2006.

4. Nieer.org. Preschool Policy Brief, November 2007

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.