A School for the Mind and Body will be open.  S.O.S. is available.


GSRP will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Due to Lake Orion Community Schools closing for the frigid windchill predictions.





Blended Learning Extended Day

In Blended Learning we use the A.W.A.R.E. curriculum concept. A.W.A.R.E. stands for the following




Facilitate the students age appropriate math skills.




To teach basic writing skills at every developmental level.




To assist the student in understanding art concepts




To encourage age appropriate reading




To explore non-academic experiences

Blended Learning is a multi-age classroom (ages 3 & 4) available for set flexible schedules Monday through Friday. SFMB's curriculum is followed according to your child's age by doing learning activities relating to the weekly concept.


Blended Learning Pricing: $8.50 hourly.


A School for the Mind and Body is open from 7:00 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. SFMB follows The Lake Orion Community School Calendar. Children enrolled in the Blended Learning/Extended Day program may attend SFMB during the above hours. Although the program was designed and available for flexible schedules, we are not a drop off child care center. Parents must enroll their children for specific days and times.